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My Child Was Just Diagnosed with Autism and I Feel Overwhelmed

My Child Was Just Diagnosed with Autism and I Feel Overwhelmed

When a child receives an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis, it can be overwhelming for you as a parent. You want the best for your child and now you’re faced with the unknown, and it’s never a comfortable place to be. 

Dr 2 Kids, Smita Tandon MD specializes in autism care and that includes partnering with parents to help you learn the best ways to interact and support your child as you both move forward with the development challenges you face. 

While there’s a broad range of symptoms and intensities between autistic children, there are certain patterns and general behaviors that form a foundation of interaction as you join your child on their path of personal growth. Consider the following points as the basis for your own approach for coping with the effects of autism. 

Communication barriers

There’s sometimes a steep learning curve when it comes to interacting with an autistic child. Some of the communication challenges you may face include: 

While autism has no cure, it’s possible to break through these barriers while teaching your child how to become a more effective communicator. 

Practical tips for interacting with your autistic child

If there’s a universal trait that helps you as a parent to communicate with your child, it’s patience. After that, much depends on your child’s unique needs. Consider these strategies: 

As a parent, don’t ignore yourself or your own needs. If you’re not at your best, care for your child may suffer. Use these self-care ideas when you’re feeling overwhelmed: 

Consider Dr 2 Kids, Smita Tandon MD and her team as part of your ASD support network and visit us when you feel overwhelmed too. We can help with education and suggested approaches as well as managing your child’s symptoms. 

Call or click to book an appointment today


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