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My Child Has a Sore Throat, But is it Strep?

Sore throats are common, often caused by the same viruses that give your child cold and flu symptoms. Not all infections have viral origins though, and the streptococci bacteria also can cause sore throats, commonly called strep throat. 

We regularly treat children for strep throat at Dr 2 Kids, Smita Tandon MD, since children are generally more susceptible to the highly contagious strep bacteria. Left untreated, strep throat can produce some serious complications, unlike viral sore throats that usually resolve on their own in under two weeks. 

It’s important to know, then, when sore throat symptoms are due to strep so that you can bring your child in for a visit, where we will confirm the presence of strep throat with a physical exam and an in-office rapid test to verify the presence of the strep bacteria. 

My child has a sore throat, but is it strep?

Your role as parent is recognizing the right set of symptoms and contacting our office. To help you, we’ve prepared this blog to illustrate the most obvious characteristics of strep throat so that you can distinguish it from more benign childhood illnesses. 

Observation is key to diagnosis for both doctors and parents. Recognizing changes to your child’s health often starts with the feeling that something is off. 

For example, you might notice your child wants to sleep more, which can be a symptom of strep throat, even before they complain of a sore throat. When the sore throat hits, however, it might be quite sudden. 

A child who was fine at breakfast could have difficulty swallowing by lunch time. Strep throat can strike quickly, in a matter of hours. Other symptoms include: 

A child usually has several of these symptoms as well as the sore throat pain. 

Symptoms that are not part of a strep infection

As well as active symptoms, there are clues pointing to strep throat by their absence from your child’s symptoms. Sore throats of viral origin tend to come on over a day or two, as though your child is slowing down into the illness. 

Symptoms of a cold or flu usually include things like: 

This set of symptoms is not shared with strep throat. Strep tends to present a sore throat as a primary problem, not as one of a set as with respiratory infections. 

Treating strep throat

The main treatment for strep throat is a course of antibiotics. It’s important to complete the entire course as prescribed, even though your child will start to feel better in 24 to 48 hours. 

Stopping the prescription early may not kill all of the strep bacteria, leading to antibiotic resistance. Use all pills as directed until they run out. 

Contact Dr 2 Kids, Smita Tandon MD to request an appointment online or by phone. Your child’s recovery starts with the first dose of medication, so book your visit as soon as possible. 

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